Xem thêm Charles_II_của_Anh

  • Hanrahan, David C. (2006), Charles II and the Duke of Buckingham: The Merry Monarch and the Aristocratic Rogue, Stroud: Sutton, ISBN 0-7509-3916-8 
  • Harris, Tim (2005), Restoration: Charles II and his kingdoms, 1660–1685, London: Allen Lane, ISBN 0-7139-9191-7 
  • Keay, Anna (2008), The Magnificent Monarch: Charles II and the Ceremonies of Power, London: Hambledon Continuum, ISBN 978-1-84725-225-8 
  • Kenyon, J. P. (1957), “Review Article: The Reign of Charles II”, Cambridge Historical Journal XIII: 82–86 
  • Miller, John (1985), Restoration England: the reign of Charles II, London: Longman, ISBN 0-582-35396-3 
  • Ogg, David. England in the Reign of Charles II (Clarendon Press: 2nd ed. 2 vols., 1955).
  • Wilson, Derek (2003), All The King's Women: Love, sex and politics in the Life of Charles II, London: Hutchinson, ISBN 0-09-179379-3 

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